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Should I Take My Hamster To The Vet?

When it comes to a pet's health and wellbeing, it's best to err on the side of caution. Your pet depends on you to keep it safe, happy, healthy, and free of hunger and pain. If you suspect that something is wrong with your pet that you can't deal with - or accurately diagnose - yourself, take the hamster to the vet to be on the safe side.

take your pet to the vet
Trips to the vet are an occasional but necessary part of pet ownership

These are some examples of situations when you’ll need to consult the vet:

  • A large or deep cut
  • Any type of injury
  • Persistent limping or difficulty walking
  • A lump or growth that wasn't there before
  • Squeaks or other sounds suggesting pain
  • Something in the eye, or eye soreness in general
  • Loss of appetite
  • Refusal or inability to drink
  • No urine
  • No poop
  • Diarrhea
  • A strange, hunched posture
  • An abscess on the face, mouth or body
  • One tooth far shorter than the one next to it (i.e. a tooth has broken)
  • A swollen abdomen
  • An unidentified parasite
  • Mange
  • Difficulty breathing

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Mats, 16 November 2021

I appreciate you mentioning that if a hamster has persistent limping or difficulty walking, we should take it to a vet. One of my friend has a hamster and it is sick and has its hand cut so she wants to take it to the vet. Thanks for the article on taking hamsters to vets and I will share your article with my friend so that she can take her hamster to a suitable vet.