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Your wormery outdoors you should keep an eye on the amount of munching the worms are doing and reduce the amount of food waste you give them as they will be much less active in the lower temperatures. Adding too much food that they can't process will result in it rotting and going anaerobic which is also bad for the worms. \

There's not a lot you can do in the garden when it gets really cold, as the earth will be too hard to dig. One thing you should have a go at planting is garlic. It's incredibly easy to plant your home grown garlic will be much better than what you get from the supermarket. Not only will it taste fantastic, it has great medicinal benefits and if a clove is planted in the ground next to a rose bush, it will help it fight off greenfly!

How to Grow Garlic
Traditionally garlic has been planted on the shortest day of the year, December 21st , to be harvested on the longest day, June 21st, although you will probably have to wait until July to harvest really fat bulbs.

1. Pick the sunniest part of the garden
2. Dig holes in the garden 3 times as deep as a single garlic clove and 6 cloves distance apart.
3. Sprinkle some worm compost and some sand or grit to help drainage into the holes.
4. Take a bulb of garlic and split it into single cloves.
5. Plant each clove with the pointy side up and cover with some compost and soil and water.
6. Once the green leafy tops have started to dry out, the garlic is ready to be taken out of the ground.
7. Hang them up inside to dry. Once the green leaves are completely dried out plait them together and keep somewhere dry. They will keep all winter.
8. Keep the fattest bulbs for planting again the following December.

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