Parrot Breeds
If you are interested in Parrots then you will love to explore our parrot images. Find out which breeds best suit a family lifestyle, from small Cockatiel Parrots to large and colourful Macaws and Cockatoos. Search through a variety of coloured feather patterns, and discover some very interesting birds in our a-z directory of parrot breeds, including the Vernal Hanging Parrot and the Rainbow Lorikeet. Share your knowledge and love of parrots by uploading a photo of your parrot or leaving a review.

African Grey Parrot

Australian King Parrot

Blue and Yellow Macaw

Blue Crowned Parakeet

Blue Crowned Racquet Tail

Blue Headed Parrot

Blue Naped Parrot

Blue Rumped Parrot

Blue Winged Macaw

Blue Winged Parrotlet



Burrowing Parakeet


Crimson Rosella

Cuban Amazon

Double Eyed Fig Parrot

Eclectus Parrot


Gang Gang Cockatoo

Greater Vasa Parrot

Grey Headed Lovebird

Hyacinth Macaw



Little Corella

Monk Parakeet

Mulga Parrot

Musk Lorikeet

Palm Cockatoo

Papuan Lorikeet

Peach Faced Parakeet

Plum Headed Parakeet

Rainbow Lorikeet

Red and Blue Macaw

Red Capped Parrot

Red Crowned Parakeet

Red Fan Parrot

Red Lory

Red Rumped Parrot

Red Shouldered Macaw

Red Tailed Black Cockatoo

Red Winged Parrot

Reddish Bellied Parakeet

Regent Parrot

Rock Parrot

Rose Ringed Parakeet

Rosy Faced Lovebird

Ruppell’s Parrot

Sapphire Rumped Parrotlet

Scarlet Macaw

Spix’s Macaw

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Superb Parrot

Turquoise Fronted Amazon

Varied Lorikeet

Vernal Hanging Parrot

Vulturine Parrot

Yellow Chevroned Parakeet