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Comments for Hamster Common Illnesses

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Tracey, 30 June 2021

I've adopted a syrian hamster she's 4 months old when I bought her home I noticed her belly is swollen I thought she might be pregnant so i called the lady I adopted her from she said she was separated from the male hamsters so she said there's no way she's pregnant I said she has a bloated belly she said it's been like that from birth can't take her to the vets thay will only see her for emergencys any ideas what it could be thankyou

Lin, 26 June 2021

Does any other hamster owner know if and where I can get wet tail antibacterial wipes to wipe & clean ( & hopefully that wipes too will kill the wet tail bacteria around my wet tail affected female Syrian Hamster's bottom towards hopefully helping my affected Hamster to recover - Many Thanks.

Kelly, 18 May 2021

I went upstairs and turned off all lights I came back down to check on my hamster and his right eye was protruding now could it simply be cause he had just woken up and I came down n put light on it traumatised him a bit? Or is it more likely an infection or injury? Seems his normal self otherwise. Thanks.

Kelly, 18 May 2021

I went upstairs and turned off all lights I came back down to check on my hamster and his right eye was protruding now could it simply be cause he had just woken up and I came down n put light on it traumatised him a bit? Or is it more likely an infection or injury? Seems his normal self otherwise. Thanks.

Bob, 11 May 2021

We got a female hamster put her with our male then a week later the female was dead. The next day our males eye was closed and he just seemed a little more anxious than normal. Well two nights later from this he’s having a hard time getting up to his bed and a couple hours from that he’s still alive but smells like dead road kill that’s been sitting there a couple days. Is he dieing? What’s going on?

Kabi, 30 March 2021

My Russian dwarf hamster, Biscotti, has gained a lot of weight within the past week. Is it because we switched from autumn to spring ? He still is acting pretty normal, but he just seems so swollen/bloated in a way. Should I be worried about kidney stones or diabetes? Thank you ????

Sherri, 26 March 2021

Hi all my daughter has a pet hamster and he is really struggling to breathe he is rattling and making small squeaking sounds we took him to the vets 3 dsys ago and got medication but he sounds worse ???? any help would be greatly appreciated thanks

Karen, 19 March 2021

My hamster was coma after screaming suddenly last Friday, I pat her body lightly and she can wake up and look feel better and walk again. This situation was repeated a several time in this week. What can I do? Thanks

Whitney, 3 March 2021

MY hamster is acting weird and he's itching alot and he has a big spot on his belly and it looks really gross and red. What do I do to help him?

Pierina, 30 May 2020

Hi again I really need some help and I don’t know what to do please help I know it might not be as bad as some others but I really am worried oh and I am so sorry for the other people who might have a really sick hamster!!!!

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