Hamsters in the wild live primarily on seeds, grasses, and other vegetation. They are omnivorous, rather than strictly vegetarian, which means they can eat both plant and animal materials. In their desert habitats they often eat insects, and in captivity they are sometimes given animal protein such as pieces of boiled egg.

Wild hamsters enjoy a varied diet - the Russian Winter White is just one of 20 known species
Only a few hamster species are kept as pets. There are more than 20 species of hamster in the wild, with a wide range from China and Russia, and through many parts of Europe. Their diets depend on their environment.
Nncyorlowski, 19 February 2022
i have a hamster my 17 year olddaughter and i were given it by rhonda our property manager we adore her is putting hamstersin a hamster ball to roll aroundin is it safe as someone told us athat they get stressedout is it true/
Kelsey, 16 May 2020
love it
Evie, 2 January 2020
My hamster love me and his cage and l clean him out 2 a week x