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Outdoor Parrot Aviary

An outdoor aviary is a wonderful way to house parrots. But there are a few essential details to bear in mind before you install one.

Legal Requirements for Building an Aviary

Rule number one: check local ordinances for your State and County to make sure the aviary or birdhouse doesn’t contravene building or environmental regulations. And even if it is allowed, is it something your neighbors will be happy with? The commonest neighbor issues are noise, and vermin – rats and mice, mainly. If they ask questions, you’re gonna need answers!

Rainbow lorikeets
Rainbow lorikeets happily settled in their aviary

How Big Should an Aviary Be?

The size of the area you have available in your garden or yard is the starting point for the type and number of birds you can keep outdoors.

An aviary has a minimum length equivalent of twice the span of a parrot’s fully extended wings, multiplied by the number of birds you’re going to keep. The height of the structure needs to be at least twice the length of your largest bird, but ideally you should have something least five feet high.

An aviary is more than just an outdoor cage. It’s a space in which the birds will fly, roost, sleep, feed, and do everything else a busy parrot does.

Yellow-naped Amazon pair
Yellow-naped Amazon pair enjoying the great outdoors

Best Location For an Outdoor Aviary

  • Avoid locating your aviary in a place with overhanging trees – they block out lots of light, and act as handy toilets from which wild birds can poo on the aviary roof! This can contaminate food and water, and will increase the chances of passing on diseases. The outdoor space should offer plenty of relief from cold winds too, and shelter from unrelenting sunshine.

  • Once again, remember the neighbors! An unannounced, noisy aviary can be the cause of major fall-outs.

  • Avoid fumes: an aviary next to a busy garage with copious exhaust fumes will not benefit your birds’ health near exhaust vents (oil, gas, fire place).
  • Noise issues can unsettle parrots too – not their own screams and squawks, but roads, railway lines, flight paths and other possible disturbers-of-the-peace.

  • Outdoor sensor lights (yours or your neighbours) will disturb the birds if they illuminate the interior of the roosting pace. Birds whose sleep is interrupted regularly will become stressed and prone to poor health as a direct result.

  • Think weather. Too much sun or wind, or incessant drenching from rain, are all hazards to avoid.
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    Asad, 19 May 2021

    I have fed chicks with baby food like cerelac in the past they were okay. Suddenly i am a little concerned that it may be harmfull for me baby ringneck. Please suggest me any other easily available foods or is it okay to feed cerelac