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Rebekah Acre

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Me and my daughter McKenzie fell in love with chickens the spring of 2016 when she was 5. One of her older sisters was at TSC and heard chirping last Easter and called to see if she could get them for her. Kenzie had experienced chickens twice before in the months following up, once at a school dance "Bunny Hop" where she couldn't put the baby chicks down. One even fell asleep on her and the lady they belonged to asked her if she owned chicks. A few weeks later at an Easter party they had chicks again, and again she couldn't put them down. So, of I said yes, and we got busy building a coop and researching. We soon found Bantam Cochins as our choice of chickens. For one they were small, even full grown so not quickly overwhelming for a year old. We later decided we wanted colorful eggs and got Easter Eggers, Blue Isbars, Olive Eggers and Chocolate Marans. This year we added Standard Cochins and Silkies and our love for chickens continue to grow. After visiting the first farm Kenz informed her daddy we needed a bigger yard so we could have more chickens.

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