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Comments for Parrot Feather Problems

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Showing comments 11 to 13 of 13

Hamza, 3 April 2020

Hi, thankyou. This has been very useful. I have a year and a half old African Grey. I noticed he was sitting a bit hunched, and so I opened up his wings and found a few feathers mangled And tiny specs of blood.. on the same locations for on both wings. He is very cheerful and vocal. The only change is his perched posture is a bit hunched. What do you think is the cause ? And how can I fix it? Thanks again

Anne, 21 March 2020

Hi I have a 20 year old African Grey who has lost a lot of feathers over the years...he certainly isn't stressed as he's very vocal & has lots of toys. Are there any sprays etc that can help please? Thank you Anne Thompson

Angela, 23 November 2019

Information because I am the owner of a twenty two year old Quaker parrot also a Cockatiel around the same age.

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