Embden Geese

Embden History
This breed comes from Germany and is sometimes known as the Emden which is the up-to-date spelling of the German port. Its thought to have been in the area from medieval times. It was also called the Breman in the USA when it first arrived which is another North German port. The Victorian breeder loved these birds, getting them as large as possible for exhibition purposes. But in its native Germany years ago, it must have been valued for its large body and meat producing ability.
Embden Behaviour
Housing and foraging space must be large enough to accommodate this big bird and they also need water. They will go broody but watch out for eggs or goslings being damaged by their weight. The male is very protective as well which can cause problems in inspecting the family. They lay 20-25 eggs a year. Because they are so large they can pose a threat to small animals that invade their space and even small children – they are not aggressive but are protective so its important to be able to read the signs.
This is the typical idea of a large white farmyard goose. Its white with an orange bill and legs and blue eyes. Females in their first year sometimes show light grey on their back.
It is a heavy breed.
Many large weight geese are claimed to be Embdens but finding the genuine breed can be a challenge. The best way to do this is to find a long term breeder with a track record of exhibiting these birds. They should be large birds, smaller examples may be commercial type geese.
Embden Status
Embden Pictures

Embden For Sale
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