Rainbow Lorikeet

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Latest Reviews For Rainbow Lorikeet (1 of 1)
My pet Rainbow lorikeet hus name is (Party) - Bedoor,
I got Party as a gift from my friend one week ago on May 6th 2019, his age is one year, he is friendly Party doesn't like to be put in a cage long time , when you do he got so loudy, His voice is realy realy loud when he is angry I am expert to raising cats this is the first time for me that I raise a parrot, I have 4 cats , some times my cat want to play ruff with Party but Party is brave he fights back then my cat runs away which makes me laugh Party quickly catch the sounds and tries to say them back but his words is not clear He likes eating dates A LOT He likes standing on sholder or on hand or on your lap He is realy friendly but he doesn't like sudden moves Some times he bites when he got angry, his bites is durable not that hard so don't be afraid He doesn't like going out side which is weird! party likes staying inside the house in cold fresh environment He likes to discover a lot with his peak and his long tongue, and his walk is funny he hubs instead of walking Party likes playing in a water and take bath at his terms and at his time not at your terms He likes to take bath in a small shallow bowel not in big or deep bowel Hope that I give good and clear information about my small experience with rainbow lorikeet Bedoor From Kuwait