The key to providing your rabbits with a stimulating and fun day is to vary their surroundings. A good way of doing this is to put toys in their run. These don’t have to be specially brought toys, but can simply be things that you already have at home. Rabbits like to hide, climb and chew, so below are some suggestions of things they might enjoy. For more inspiration, see the Toy Section of this guide, or have a look at our Rabbit Toy Shop.
Cardboard BoxMuch like cats, rabbits have a lot of fun playing with boxes. It also provides your rabbit with something to chew on as well as play with.
TubesDrainage pipes and cardboard tubes make great toys for rabbits. They will have a lot of fun running through them, hiding in them and in general having a fun time.

Getting rabbits love playing
Chews and Gnaws
These items are not only good stimulation for your pet, but also have the added benefit of providing something for them to wear down their teeth on. For more information on chews and gnaws, be sure to check out the Toy Section of this guide.
Unsuitable ObjectsAvoid anything sharp or anything they could get trapped in.
Margret, 7 November 2012
great advice cud do with some more detail though x