A spray of millet is a very popular treat for your birds. They are sold in practically every pet store, often branded as for budgies, though your finches will still love it. Avoid any treats that have added sugar or coloring, it may be a nice treat but it isn’t healthy for your birds.
Making bird treats can be good fun. The following recipe can be coated onto sticks or put into greaseproof paper and rolled into bars or tubes. Vary the seed mix, bearing in mind the advice given in the seed section of this guide:
Ingredients and Materials
- 5 oz of seed mix
- 2 egg whites
- Some rapeseed oil
- Greaseproof paper
- Small terracotta pots
- 8in lengths of wire
First, beat the egg whites until they are frothy. Pour the seed into the egg whites and mix until the seeds are all evenly distributed. Next, grease the paper with a little bit of oil and line the insides of the pots with the paper. Fill the pots with the seed mixture and insert both ends of the wire, drawing them through the drainage whole so that a loop of wire sits in the mixture. Bake the pots in a cool oven (175-200֯F) for around an hour and a half or until the mixture has set (after the first hour it will be worth checking every 10 minutes or so). If you have the oven too hot, the mix will overcook and spoil it. Cool the treats, then gently remove the seed from the pots. Now you can hang your homemade treats up in your bird’s cage and watch them nibble away at it.

Seed bell - simple to make, popular with all types of finch
Finch Food Recipes
Pet finch treats aren’t only limited to the gummed-together seed bars and millet sprays that are mentioned above. There are tons of recipes out there for pet bird treats, ranging from salads to breads and even cakes. It is important that your birds don’t over indulge on these treats, as they are meant to be just that, treats. As long as you use the ingredients in the food sections above, the only real limitations are your imagination. If you are looking for some more concrete guides, you can check out the recipes section of the Omlet Parakeet Guide. All these are suitable for pet finches too.
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