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Comments for Parakeet Courtship and Breeding Behavior

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Daniel, 6 December 2019

My male and female seem to b interested she is going to the round seed bowl and eating some of the seed and scratching out all the seed does that mean she is wanting to nest

Daniel, 6 December 2019

I have 2 males 1 female should I remove 1 male

Mary-Ann, 5 December 2019

Must Show budgies mate everyday until the female start laying eggs?

Christine, 22 November 2019

Come home today and I have 2 male budgies in 1 cage ! Had them a year in January! Always got on and sit on same perch and share food !But today is different as blue 1 is making a soft squeaking noise because other one is rubbing it's beak over it's head and face done this lots of times but this time blue one seems upset

Jennifer, 7 November 2019

I have a 4 foot tall cage and the nesting box is at the top in the corner. She is starting to nest and I wonder what will happen if they do end up having baby budgies. When the babies venture out of the nesting box and it's 4 feet to the bottom of the cage. Will they fall or will they know to get on the perches and branches?

Judy, 15 October 2019

On two occasions my 6 month old budgies have had fits of flapping and darting into the sides of the cage in the early morning hours. They seem to be panicked but I can find no cause. It lasts a couple of minutes. What could be the cause?

Sarah, 30 September 2019

Abraham, it sounds like there could be one of a few things happening. 1. Both parents may be inexperienced and don't know what to do with the newborn clutch, so they are throwing them out of the nest. Or, 2. The male may be becoming territorial and aggressive with new live babies in his birdbox and throwing the babies out himself. *The first thing you could try is placing the male in a separate cage as soon as the babies begin to hatch. Keep a very close eye on hatching if the babies have been thrown out immediately after hatching in the past. *If the babies are still thrown out, then it's a pretty safe bet that you have an immature pair, specifically the female and there's really not much you can do to change her mothering instincts. If she normally incubates the eggs all the way through to hatch, and you are up for it, you could remove the babies as soon as they hatch or even a day or two before hatch, and hand feed the babies yourself. Although, caring for them is a HUGE responsibility that you would need to research and learn about in detail before attempting. How to provide them the correct environment (temp, humidity) alone is difficult, let alone the grueling feeding schedule. If your life doesn't allow for that, and most people's live's do not, you could sell the babies upon hatching, eggs upon pipping or even freshly laid to a reputable breeder near you. Or better yet, you could just prevent your pair from breeding in the future. Good luck, hope that helps. : )

Sarah, 30 September 2019

Trevor, yes, this is normal. Many birds will actually pluck some feathers out to keep eggs warm.

Serena, 24 September 2019

Ive 2 budgies both seem happy ive put a nesting box in but the henis still scratching at the paper wont go in box ive put sawdust is it thatt shes just not ready or shall I leave boxflap open there is a hole to get in it better on perch or is it better on floor or is she just not that into him lol

Lynn, 16 September 2019

I have 2 budgies that are breeding for 2 months no babies yet can I put 2 more in same cage would I have to buy another breeding box

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