Your cage needs to be set up before you bring your new pet parakeet home. Give the birds as much space as possible, and avoid buying antique cages because they look good. The priority has to be the bird, and an ill;-designed cage (high and narrow, for example), is not worth buying, even if it fits in with the decor!

A young, cage-proud Clearwing parakeet and his friends chilling out on a perch
Choosing a Parakeet Cage
If possible, bring your parakeet home to the cage or enclosure in which it will be spending the next few years. If you can't afford to buy a suitable, big cage straightaway (and the cage is easily the most expensive item of parakeet kit (parakit?) you will ever buy for the bird), save up and wait until you can. As this is your parakeet's permanent home, it needs to make be as perfect as possible.
Kathy, 14 January 2023
Thank you so much for your incredibly helpful information. I have a parakeet whose former friend passed away a few months ago. I was not sure whether or not to replace him with another parakeet. Although I am home quite a bit, I hate the thought of leaving my little friend home alone for any amount of time. After reading your article, I am confident that having another parakeet will be beneficial. I believe my bird, Kiwi, will be much happier. Thank you again. Sincerely, Kathy K.
Siobhan, 22 December 2018
The information that you have on your site, regarding Budgies, is fantastic. Can a budgie specialist tell me ,whether or not, scented candles are toxic to budgies?