Most parakeet owners won’t become full on breeders, but this doesn’t stop the many budgerigar enthusiasts from adding to the ever growing parakeet population. Under the right conditions, parakeets will breed easily. Provided with all of the right environment, the birds will simply just get on with it.
Parakeets in an aviary will usually pair up with one another. However, for many breeders, this isn't quite it. Breeders will usually look for that magic formula, two birds whose combined genetics will create the perfect show bird. In a mixed flock this will mean having to intervene to pair Opaline with Opaline, Crested with Crested and so on. If your aim is just to breed the birds, without looking for a specific gene type, letting them choose their own partners will do.
You may find that your chosen pair will fail to bond. In cases like these you can take it as a sign that you need to do a fresh spot of matchmaking. Give the birds a few days before intervening, however, it is common for a pair to be defensive or belligerent at first if they’ve just been thrown into the same cage by a hopeful breeder.

A healthy female parakeet, perched, preened, and ready for action!
Parakeet Breeding Season
In the wild, parakeets will breed during the wet spring and summer periods. Because of this, parakeets in the north of the USA will find themselves in the mood all year round. They also require long daylight hours to stimulate the mating instinct. Many breeders pair their birds up in November in order to have new birds ringed (i.e. a ring put on their legs) in the new year. This annual ringing is often synchronised for January 1st, and it means that young birds are ready for spring shows.
Stimulation for breeding birds can be provided by artificial light. These birds need 12 hours of light a day during this time. Unfortunately, the sunlight coming through your windows (if the birds are indoors) will not be enough to satisfy their vitamin D needs (sunlight being a necessary part of vitamin D metabolism). You will be able to find suitable lights at a specialist pet store. You should ask other breeders for advice on all things breeding.
Parakeet Breeding Age
Parakeets are physically able to breed at around 6 months old, but they should not be allowed to do so before at least 10 months old. A younger bird won’t be able to be a good parent. There is no hurry -- once they’ve matured, females will be able to breed for four years and males for six.
First-time mothers may lay their egg outside this nesting box. This is fine, as long you put it into the nesting box as a signal that this is where the other eggs should be laid. Once your female bird has gotten cozy with the egg in the box, she won’t repeat the mistake.
Parakeet Breeding Food
A varied and nutritious diet should be a permanent in your parakeets’ life, and you shouldn’t have to change the standard feed during breeding. You should, however, provide a protein-rich side dish such as egg food (see the recipe in the Parakeet Recipes section, above).
Parakeet Breeding Cages
If you do keep a lot of parakeets, you will need to give them personal space for breeding. This can be in the form of separate compartments in an aviary, or you can place the breeding pair in a separate cage. This breeding cage should measure at least 25 x 15 x 15 inches. It will have to be equipped with the standard parakeet accessories -- at least two perches, a mineral block, a cuttlefish bone, plenty of seed and fresh food and water, and an additional nesting box. The cage will also need two doors -- one for access (for your hand) and the other door for allowing passage to and from the nesting box -- if you are breeding the birds in a cage, this should be attached to the outside.
Once the chicks have weaned (at around six weeks) you will need to transfer these chicks to a large cage, or a separate section of the aviary. This area should be supplied with plenty of food, water and perching space. Once the young birds have been weaned, they will soon join the rest of the flock.

A parakeet nesting box
Parakeet Breeding Box or Nesting Box
In the wild parakeets breed in holes in trees. To have a higher success rate in your breeding ambitions you will have to stimulate this somehow. Nest boxes made out of wood are a perfect substitute. Parakeets don’t need much to breed in the wild, and a nest box with a dry floor area,lined with a soft nesting material to lay their eggs on will be fine.
The floor of your nesting box will have to have a concave section, which will help the chicks grip and prevent the condition known as splayed feed, which can occur if the chick has been sitting on a hard, flat floor. (See Parakeet Splayed Feet, above.)
Install your nesting boxes inside your aviary, or fix it to the outside of the cage (whichever is applicable). This should be done in a way that the female, (and later the chicks) has access to the cage via the open (i.e. removed) door.
Cleaning Parakeet Nest Box
You should always clean your nest box before allowing the female to enter. A solution of one part white vinegar to two parts water is ideal.
Brenda, 17 December 2024
My budgie has been making eggs but drop them in the bottom of the cage. I have a nest but she doesn't seem interested in it, I put it up high in the cage. Should I put down by the bottom of the cage?
Sandra, 14 October 2024
I have 2 birds..1 male and 1 female.They were 2 eggs and after 2 weeks I took them out.Female never went in or sat on them Now I have 4 eggs and ma ma sits on then. She comes out and then goes right back. Will they hatch? I'll just wait and see.
Tarina, 7 October 2023
My dad bought my mother a pair of parakeets for their anniversary Dec 21st, 2022 not knowing the sex of either. They put them in a nice moderate size cage in front of their picture window and that's where they've been ever since. Never let outside in natural sunlight. They did put in a cute gourd shaped wooden nesting type box thing for them to get in when they wanted to. To their amazent in July they saw 2 eggs in that little nesting thing and to their amazement each bird would sit on the eggs. Not sure exactly how much later one of the eggs hatched and the blue parakeet would chew up the food give it to their green one who in turn fed the hatched bird. All the while still sitting on the unmatched egg. About 4 days later the 2nd egg hatched. This baby was a lot smaller than the first but the 2 adults did the same thing feeding this new baby along with the first hatched. Now 3 to 4 weeks later the babies seem to be almost as big as the adults and are getting encouraged to leave the box by the adults. One is green like the one adult the other blue like the other. It is amazing. Unfortunately parents don't really know much about raising baby parakeets. They have gotten a second cage. Any information to help ensure these babies are properly and well taken care of would be much appreciated. They don't intend on keeping the new ones at this time. However I know how much they love their pets and after them being born in their care I think they may change their mind. Lol is this normal for parakeets to have babies this quickly being brought into a new home? They were paired together already when my dad purchased them from the pet store. Thank you to any and all that share info!
Bev, 2 February 2023
My first time having chicks was a total surprise. The mom is in our clothes hamper. It has front and back escape areas. My husband has now build a platform so I can made it more comfortable for them. One is 10 days old and the other two are two days and one day. Hopefully all will survive I just worry about the older chick vs the babies.
Alison, 6 March 2022
Parakeets are really fussy about what they consider nesting material. We found that they wanted something fibrous that they could make into a nest with a roof. I think we settles on crafters' cane, which they spent a lot of time shredding and manipulating