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Comments for Feeding Baby Parakeets

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Eileen, 15 August 2019

I want to know if another pair of breeding budgie will raise chicks from other pair who got out of cage or do I have to do myself ?!

Susan, 4 August 2019

Budgies - all parakeets and parrots have a very poor sense of smell, in fact it is the weakest of their senses, sight being the best (probably 3x better than humans). So the lady that blamed her nephew for touching the chicks and then the hen not wanting to attend to them, there must be another reason she didn't want to feed them. I cannot understand this as it is contrary to a bird's natural instinct. Perhaps she needed a bath or was thirsty or simply didn't have anything to give to the chicks. Was a male present? He will feed the hen so she can feed her babies and stay with them to keep them warm. It is quite necessary to have a pair if you are breeding.

Vicky, 7 July 2019

I have been feeding a 5-8 day old budgie, he is starting to grow feathers. He is so small and me and my grandaughter are feeding him with a bent spoon, he chirps when he's hungry.

Ian, 17 June 2019

I have been feeding a chick from no feathers for days with Passwell Hand Rearing Food. I feed the chick with a drilled out Hypodermic syringe. The chick wraps his beak around the syringe and I direct inject the food in. I have mixed the food with hot water but I couldn't guarantee that it is hot by the time the chick eats it. The chick has gone from a cold almost dead chick from the floor of the big cage, to a strong rapidly growing chick who is growing feathers. I wait until his crop is empty before I feed him again, as i don't want any food going sour in his crop. I feed him at 8 when I get up and around 12, then around 5pm. Last feed at 9:30 as i go to bed at 10pm. He is being kept in a towel lined box with a 40 watt incandescent bulb directly above him. A few times he has moved away from the bulb, but usually he is right under the bulb soaking up the heat. When I take him out of the box he is very warm to the touch. Any questions please ask.

Graham, 14 June 2019

I have had recently a lot of instances where young chicks have been thrown and died from there nesting box . What is the reason Is it gealous females /males . I must admit i have a lot more males then females. Also now i have taken 2 young chicks into my home what can i feed them on thanks

Carla, 31 May 2019

Well my nephew touched all the chicks, while I was at school. The mother didn’t want her chicks due to scent being gone. She wanted nothing to do with the chicks, so I took them out of the nest and have been trying to hand feed them for the past two days. Unfortunately, they refuse to eat and would constantly cry out to their mother.

Medina, 23 May 2019

hi, my baby budgies are nearly fully weaned and are eating seeds on their own but i never saw them drink water on their own, is this a concern? how do i get them to drink water?

Frances, 3 May 2019

Hello if only one egg hatched does that mean the other eggs are no good?

Josie, 28 April 2019

My budgie has laid 8 eggs in a duct area which is cooler and always dark, I want to remove the eggs from there, can I do this without her hurting or neglecting the eggs? The floor is also flat and there is nothing in there to create a concave nest , please I’d like to know what I can do to get them out

Judy, 13 April 2019

You can give the mom bird hard boiled egg, mash it up good with some plain bread crumbs... I also put some millet on it..just a few teaspoons or so. Mom bird loves this, Just change it out every few hours.. 1 egg can last you 3 servings ...You can also order miracle meal on line. just alternate the egg stuff with seeds ..and some greens!

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