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Comments for Parakeet Diseases

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Showing comments 11 to 20 of 43

Brian, 17 March 2021

My cock budgie, Called Harry by my grandson, is very poorly. He seems to flick his wings every 30 seconds or so almost like a mini fit and is on the floor of his cage most of the time. His poo is runny and has a green tinge. Every now and again he seems to wake up and have a little food but then reverts to his fluffed up twitching on the floor. This has been going on for approx 10 days and seems to be getting worse. Anyone got any ideas what is wrong?

Sally, 13 March 2021

My female budgie is having trouble flying and has red marks on her body under her wings male budgie seems fine

David, 1 March 2021

Our female white budgie who we found 2 years ago use to screech and call out loudly but now only squeaks and opens her beak when we go near her and looks very sad. She has always been nervous, never wants to come out of cage and if flies makes a chattering noise. She has never used her mirror or playthings. She still eats well and toilets ok. Can you explain why the change. We wondered if she came from an avery. We do not know how old she is. Thank you for your help

Mac, 8 April 2020

I just lost my female budgie of the last pair to cold. Now all I have is the last guy and he's feeling very alone. I try to play with him, but when I look at him in the nights, I feel terribly sad that he's alone! I'm thinking of giving it to a friend who has lots of budgies.

Jennifer, 23 January 2020

My wee budgie is all puffed up very quiet stopped talking took him to the vets as he looked very swollen they had him 5 days treated him for a crop infection although he is climbing round his cage a bit better he seams to be in same situation he still on antibiotics is there anything I can do to help him at home I have a blanket round his cage feeding him little and often but still very worried about him

Christina, 18 January 2020

Years ago both my parakeets had something big sticking out their butts for weeks. The birds did chirp like it was hurting Later they passed away what was that

Teresa, 17 January 2020

My friend has a budgie. She took it to the vets but forgot the name of the parasite. The droppings are very smelly and the bird is list less. Can it be passed to my dog if it sniffed the cage

An Omleteer, 10 January 2020

My budgie is very sick. It has something sticking out of its head just above its right eye.And it never eats it just sits there all puffy and doesn't make any chirping noise.Whenever it breathes it makes a cracking sound. I'm very worried and scared that I'm going to lose it. Please anybody I'm begging you write down your comments if you know anything about this.

An Omleteer, 19 November 2019

My bird is sick it is very weak. It is fluffed up.

Sasha, 8 November 2019

My budgies nose (The thing Above The beak) is bleeding. Can you tell me what to do?

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