The word “budgerigar” is a shortened form of Budgie, from the native Australian name Betcherrygah. The betcherry bit means ‘good’, and gah means ‘parakeet’. There is some debate over the precise meaning of the “good” part-it could mean either “good looking/handsome” or it may be good because a flock of parakeets usually indicates a good water supply (something which was useful for the native aboriginals. It could also mean good to eat, as the parakeet was a common source of food for the native Australians.

Budgerigar? What kind of name is that!
The slight confusion over the meaning of “budgerigar” is increased further by the theory that the native word betcherrygah is onomatopoeic - i.e. it imitates the bird’s twittering voice.
The word “budgery” (without the ‘gar’), is also a now obsolete Australian English slang word, meaning something along the lines of “Great”, “Excellent” and “Awesome”.
Muhammad, 12 February 2024
The eggs are non fertile, go to an avian vet for calcium supplement and medicne forr fertiliztion.
Jacqueline, 20 February 2022
I have a bird that is 5 I put a nesting box in the cage and she stared to lay eggs I have 5 other bird Keets anyway she has layer 4 eggs and none hatched then a week latter when I took them out she layer 4 more 40days passed none hatched is she too old or how do I get her to further please
An Omleteer, 18 January 2019
It is informative page I see indeed