If you’re mixing a salad for your birds, aim for variety. If something they haven’t previously shown much interest in is coated in something they really like, they’ll probably try it. This is the main benefit of offering a mixed salad rather than separate portions of fruit and veg.

Mix exciting salads to tempt your parakeets
Try to offer a wide range of vegetables and fruits, to cover a lot of the nutritional ground. The following mix is a good healthy meal for two birds. Don’t prepare more than you need, as uneaten food will soon spoil and will have to be thrown away.
- 1 floret of broccoli
- 1 2 inch length of carrot, peeled
- 1 1inch chunk of cucumber, peeled
- 1 dessertspoon of cress or mustard sprouts
- 4 half-inch square chunks of red pepper
- 1 eighth of an apple, peeled and cored
- 1 segment of orange
- 1 teaspoon of sprouting alfalfa seeds
Chop the soft top part of the broccoli and discard the stalk. Grate the carrot, and chop the cucumber, apple and orange. Put all the ingredients in a bowl with the sprouting seeds, and mix until everything is coated with everything else.
Anne, 25 October 2021
thank you for your input on what budgies eat and like as a fairly new budgie owner it was invaluable to me, i needed a pet after my husband passed away and i am not able to look after any other pet, i love my two budgies but i just wish they would come to me instead of running from me all the timethe only thing apart from their seen they will eat is apples but they have to be peeled or they wont look at them, i will get millet for them tomorrow and try that and i will try them on a small salad, thank you once again
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