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Comments for Feeding Parakeets Fresh Food

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Nancy, 23 October 2023

Thank you so much for the info! We rescued a parakeet recently and know nothing!!

Angie, 13 July 2023

I have owned my first budgie, Percy for 3 weeks.. I have him eating out of my hand & he listens to relaxing music most of the day, he loves it & it keeps him feeling safe & calm. About twice a day I do whistle training. He has almost mastered the “Sexy” or “wolf” whistle. He was just weaned when I got him & I'm hoping he will actually speak words. Any tips? He is such a good boy eating his fresh veggies! I wash a leaf of the green I choose, sprinkle a little seed on it & roll it up & pin it by his favorite perch & he has fun foraging for the seed while also eating the green itself. Cucumbers get a little seed on top also & he loves them! He has a bath with a low air fish tank air pump & is so very interested. I’d say he will be in it in another couple days! He is comical & gorgeous! I love making his toys. Any tips for those?

Joyce, 19 January 2022

why do my budgies like to sleep on the swings, why do they not like any treats

Anne-Marie, 16 September 2021

Hello, I really love my GEO cage and my budgies do too. They don't seem to go for the central feeder though, so I'm putting their seed in the bird bath/food tray that i usually use for their vegetable chop. but i really want i want them to use the centra feeder as they throw out husks everywhere, and it's one of the main reasons i bought this cage as I am a very clean person...... Please help! ALSO - I've only had them for a week and a half and i did notice that the breeder i bought them off had a huge tray of seed in the bottom of the cage that they were happily foraging and scratching in when i bought them. Do they just need time to adjust? SHould i not give them any seed (only veggies in their tray) and see if they go for the central feeder? I don't want them to starve or dehydrate.... ANy help appreciated, Regards Anne-Marie

Jean, 17 July 2021

I've introduced different fruits and veg to my you g budgie but he doesn't show any interest at all in them what am I doing wrong??

Kristina, 14 September 2020

Thank you for this info. We adopted a lonely parakeet and appreciate this. Great to know. He eats gumbo limbo leaves also

Lisa, 3 April 2020

Thank you very much, best advice I've found yet ????

Tracey, 20 November 2019

My husband and myself are looking to have a biggie or two, found the information provided very useful thank you.

Susannah, 1 October 2019

Great info - just what I was looking for...thanks

Jane, 26 August 2019

Have you ever heard of the concept "Monkey See, Monkey Do"? Budgies are more to likely eat fresh veggies & fruits, if they see another bird eating these fresh foods! Case in point: We adopted 2 budgies from a rescue that basically viewed all fresh foods as alien. It wasn't until our cockatiel, Poindexter, started eating them that they became curious. One little taste led to another, with the budgies becoming over time, more willing to dine on fresh fruits & veggies than their seeds! However, it is very important that they get their protein resource from pellets, seeds &/or avi cakes (a softer combination compound of seeds, pellets & vitamans). Cuttlebones, fine ground Oyster Shells & Mineral Blocks will also provide the much needed calcium & additional minerals your bird. Your birds will use as needed.

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